Health & safety |
Performance |
Reference |
Score from maximum |
Scoring principles |
2 |
/ |
15 |
Coverage of certified occupational H&S managment systems (ISO 45001 standard) in own sites |
29% |
AR p.50 |
0 |
/ |
3 |
100% own sites certified - 3 points 80-99% own sites certified - 2 points 70-79% own sites certified - 1 point <70% own sites certified - 0 points |
Occurence of fatal accidents |
Not reported |
N/a |
0 |
/ |
3 |
0 Fatal accidents - 3 points 1+ Fatal accidents or not reported - 0 points |
Lost time accidents (LTA) |
1 |
AR p. 20 |
2 |
/ |
3 |
0 Lost time accidents - 3 points 1 Lost time accidents - 2 points 2-3 Lost time accidents - 1 point 4+ Lost time accidents - 0 points |
Occurence of fatal accidents (contractors) |
Not reported |
N/a |
0 |
/ |
3 |
0 Fatal accidents - 3 points 1+ Fatal accidents or not reported - 0 points |
Coverage of occupational health care reported |
Not reported |
N/a |
0 |
/ |
3 |
If answer is YES - 3 points If answer is NO or not reported - 0 points |